Free Whitepaper - The innovators & disruptors greening our future

Report whitepaper for our ground breaking market research report into cleantech investment assesses the leading players and start up companies set to disrupt this critical sector over the coming year.

Our report also includes:

  • Executive summary: Overview of the key trends and research findings, alongside a summary infographic.
  • Introduction and definition of the cleantech industry.
  • Sector analysis: covering key technologies, major trends, opportunities and developments within the following areas:
    • Energy
    • Agriculture
    • Manufacturing
    • Transport & logistics
    • Batteries, energy management & storage
    • Energy efficiency and building management
  • Cleantech Investment analysis quantifying funding made towards cleantech businesses and startups from 2019 to the end of May 2024
  • ZCA’s Cleantech top 50, analysing and assessing the leading players and companies to watch within cleantech during 2024. Contains a sector outlook for the coming months, as well as data on current and historical investment, with representatives from the following sectors:
    • AgTech & Food
    • Energy, Battery & Storage
    • Technology & Innovation, Analytics & Software
    • Automotive & Transport
    • Real Estate, Construction & Building Materials
    • Financial Services
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Waste Management & Water
    • Manufacturing
    • Other

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