Cleantech: Market investment & sector outlook

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Zero Carbon Academy’s (ZCA) groundbreaking market research report into cleantech investment assesses the leading players and startup companies set to disrupt this critical sector over the coming year. Alongside ZCAs proprietary ‘Cleantech top 50’ analysis, the research provides assessment of key trends and developments within this increasingly disruptive collection of innovative technologies and processes. Further, this granular report quantifies financial investment and funding rounds made towards businesses within cleantech from 2019 to the end of May 2024, with data broken out by both industry sector and by geographical region.

Key Features

  • Executive summary: Overview of the key trends and research findings, alongside a summary infographic.
  • Introduction and definition of the cleantech industry.
  • Sector analysis: covering key technologies, major trends, opportunities and developments within the following areas:
    • Energy
    • Agriculture
    • Manufacturing
    • Transport & logistics
    • Batteries, energy management & storage
    • Energy efficiency and building management
  • Cleantech Investment analysis quantifying funding made towards cleantech businesses and startups from 2019 to the end of May 2024
  • ZCA’s Cleantech top 50, analysing and assessing the leading players and companies to watch within cleantech during 2024. Contains a sector outlook for the coming months, as well as data on current and historical investment, with representatives from the following sectors:
    • AgTech & Food
    • Energy, Battery & Storage
    • Technology & Innovation, Analytics & Software
    • Automotive & Transport
    • Real Estate, Construction & Building Materials
    • Financial Services
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Waste Management & Water
    • Manufacturing
    • Other

Key Questions Answered

  1. What is cleantech and why is the sector critical for addressing global emissions?
  2. What are the major industries ripe for disruption from cleantech?
  3. What are the current levels of investment in cleantech, and which regions and industries are seeing the greatest amounts made?
  4. Is the cleantech industry growing? How does the current market compare to the previous 4 years?
  5. Who are the key players in the cleantech space, and what are they offering in terms of disruptive technologies and products


Data and Forecast


Zero Carbon Academy’s data suite is comprised of 4 tables and 292 data points and includes data from 2019 to 31st May 2024, for:

  • Total global investment in cleantech companies
  • Total cleantech investment by industry
  • Cleantech investment by region
  • Comparison of investment from 1st January to 31st May, for 2023 and 2024.

And regional level investment data for:

  • North America
  • Western Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Russia & Eastern Europe
  • Middle East & North Africa
  • Sub-Saharan Africa

ZCA’s ‘Cleantech top 50’ analyses the leading players and companies to watch within cleantech during 2024. Contains a sector outlook for the coming months, as well as data on current and historical investment, with representatives from the following sectors:

  • AgTech & Food
  • Energy, Battery & Storage
  • Technology & Innovation, Analytics & Software
  • Automotive & Transport
  • Real Estate, Construction & Building Materials
  • Financial Services
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Waste Management & Water
  • Manufacturing
  • Other

Companies Referenced


£299 + VAT

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All reports are subject to Zero Carbon Academy's standard market research terms, which can be viewed here.