SME Net Zero Challenges


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This research explores Zero Carbon Academy’s top 5 sustainability trends for 2023. With our top trends aligned to our own scoring system and associated heatmap.

This research discusses the role played by SMEs in tackling the climate crisis, as well as the primary challenges faced by businesses in reaching net zero. It also sets out the key barriers and opportunities for small and medium enterprises in reaching their net zero goals.

Key Features


Topics covered include:

  • The role of SMEs within the climate crisis
  • Barriers to net zero
  • Opportunities stemming from reaching net zero
  • Schemes and support
  • Key takeaways and recommendations

Key Questions Answered

  1. What are the major barriers and constraints in reaching net zero for SMEs?
  2. What can be done by SMEs to work towards attaining net zero status?
  3. What are the key takeaways and recommendations from this paper?


Data and Forecast


Companies Referenced

  • Deloitte
  • Lloyds Banking Group
  • OECD
  • SME Climate Hub


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All reports are subject to Zero Carbon Academy's standard market research terms, which can be viewed here.